Deep - fried noodles with diced beef served with black pepper sauce , wok - fried beef rolled with carrot , chinese sausage fried rice in bean curd skin roll , pineapple sauce . together with some distinguished dishes from the " best of the best culinary awards " subject to menu 包括?梨汁牛柳卷伴鲜腐竹鸳鸯肠炒饭、黑椒牛肉脆生面及多款美食之最大赏经典佳肴,菜式视乎不同套餐而定。
Deep - fried noodles with diced beef served with black pepper sauce , wok - fried beef rolled with carrot , chinese sausage fried rice in bean curd skin roll , pineapple sauce . . . . together with some distinguished dishes from the " best of the best culinary awards " ( subject to menu ) 包括?梨汁牛柳卷伴鲜腐竹鸳鸯肠炒饭、黑椒牛肉脆生面及多款美食之最大赏经典佳肴,菜式视乎不同套餐而定。